
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 17:01:01 Hours


According to the request made by Dr. Kandaswami Susindeeran, the Chief Medical Officer - Mallavi Base Hospital, troops under commands to 65 Division engaged with a sharamadana campaign to clean said hospital premises on 22 July 2017, in cooperation with civilians and the hospital staff.\r\n\r\nMallavi Base Hospital is the major medical supportive institutions in Thunukkai area which is developing under the present peaceful situation. This hospital has acquired 20 acres of area and owing of his mammoth land plot is covered with shrub and plants. After the request, Major General Sarath Weerawardhana - General Officer Commanding, 65 Division identified the gravity of being covered by shrubs of this place and led his troops to clear the said hospital premises and they gave the main concentration on cleaning the draining system and mosquito breeding places.\r\n\r\nMore than 500 hundred troops of 65 Division joined hands with over 200 of civilians, members of Civil Security Department and hospital staff to clean the hospital premises while symbolizing communal harmony in the area. At the end of the shramadana campaign, troops donated 150 flower pots to Mallavi Hospital for decorating the surroundings.