
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 17:00:57 Hours


Members of the Army and police stationed in Poonakery joined hands together with civilians in the area to celebrate Sinhala and Tamil New Year was celebrated at the old Dutch port Poonakery on 07 April 2017 .The event was conducted with the concept of Commander Security Forces - Kilinochchi, Major General Ajith Kariyakarawana, USP ndc. The event has been organized by the troops of 66 Division POONAKERY with the intention of establishing interpersonal- friendship of togetherness\' with the members of various ethnic groups together with Army and police personals deployed in the area.\r\n\r\nThe event of the day was given an excellent display with the inclusion series of funny New Year games attended by 66 Division troops police personals at poonakery police station and civilians in the area , out of many competitions in the event the Pillow Fighting, Climbing the Greasy tree, Tug-Of-War, Fancy Dress Parade MARUDANDA , Beauty Queen and New Year Prince contest was extremely attractive and enjoyable events where almost everyone was seen enjoying the glamour of the show, in addition to the traditional Sinhala Tamil games every ones attention was drawn in to the site of the Sinhala and the Tamil traditional household which was , designed according to a rural village environment, surrounded by Buddhist and Hindu cultural heritage amply demonstrated the harmonious living practices of both communities. \r\n\r\nThe event was initially started off with a bicycle race early in the morning by 0600 hrs followed by the marathon. What is significance here in the competitions are the most competitive events such as Bicycle race marathon pillow fighting were designed to conduct separately for Army and civilians. The winner of the Army bicycle race was Lance Copral S. P Perera of 15 VIR where the winner of the civilian Bicycle race was Mr Thambirasa.\r\n\r\nThe Commander Security Forces — Kilinochi Major General Ajith Kariyakarawana graced day\'s event as the Chief Guest welcomed by a male and female Tamil kids accompanied by commander 65, 66 and 57 Divisions along with GA Kilinochchi and AGA Poonarin where the group of traditional Tamil dancers paraded, after lightening of traditional oil lamp Commander and group of invitees visited to the model houses where he was greeted by the Headmen of the Sinhala and Tamil houses as per their traditional and cultural manner.\r\n\r\nAll winners have been awarded with valuable gifts where the children attended for the events such as Banis Kama, Balum Pipirawema was give prices up to the place of ten where all other participated children were also given a packet of gift by the Commander. All General Officers Commanding, Brigade Commanders, Commanding Officers, Senior Officers and Officers a large number of other ranks were participated while almost all_ government servants, intellectuals in the area and their family members witnessed the celebrations.