
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 17:00:22 Hours


Commemorating the World Fathers\' Day which falls on 21 June 2015, an awareness programme on \"Social Responsible of Men\" was organized on 21 June 2015 at Harmony Center, Kilinochchi by 57 Div.\r\n\r\n Mrs. S Senthini - President of women Action Network for Transformation, Kilinochchi and Mr. V Permakumar - Consultant on Women Empowerment and Gender Service, Kilinochchi conducted lectures during the awareness programme.\r\n\r\n Brig MD Wijesundara - Deputy GOC 57 Div, Col K Liyanage RWP RSP - Bde Comd 573 Bde, Lt Col TMGB Tennakoon - CAO 57 Div, and 105 Men from Kilinochchi were present at the programme. \r\n