
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 17:00:14 Hours

Massive Crowds Enjoy Mini Tattoo at Mallawi

‘Mini Army Tattoo’ at Mallawi, served by the troops of the Security Force Headquarters - Kilinochchi (SFHQ-KLN), held at Yogapuram Public Ground during December 10-11, drew a massive crowd of spectators as it was the first time a huge spectacle of this nature was staged in that area. 65 Division troops facilitated the conduct of the show which comprised of parachute jumps, kennel demonstrations, motor bicycle feats and a wide assortment of other startling features and ended with a mega musical variety show, presented by the troops of the Army. Ms R. Kethishwaran, District Secretary for Kilinochchi, Major General Sudantha Ranasinghe, Commander, SFHQ-KLN, General Officer Commanding, 65 Division and a few others attended inaugural sessions of the ‘Mini Army Tattoo’ on both days as distinguished invitees.