
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 17:00:10 Hours

New Buddhist Shrine at 7 SLA Headquarters Opened

7 Sri Lanka Artillery (SLA) troops, built new Buddhist shrine at its Headquarters in the 65 Division area of the Security Force Headquarters - Kilinochchi (SFHQ-KLN), was opened for offerings after two-day long ceremonies. The shrine was constructed with the financial contribution and manpower of all officers, other ranks and civil employees serving the 7 SLA on the directions of Lieutenant Colonel L.C.K Pathirana in order to cater to the religious purposes. The 2 day programme started with a colourful procession and followed with the planting of a ‘Bo’ sapling, lighting of the Buddhist shrine and a ‘Bodhi Pooja’, joined by everyone at the 7 SLA Headquarters. Major General G.R.H Dias, General Officer Commanding, 65 Division graced the ceremonies as the Chief Guest. Senior officers, officers and other ranks of the 574 Brigade also attended the opening ceremony.