
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 17:00:10 Hours


On the direction of Comd SF (KLN), and under the supervision of GOC 65 Div, Taiwan delegation representing International Children$s Education Association in Taiwan (IEA) and Dharma Drum Mountain Foundation (DDMF) conducted two days workshop with interactive activities followed by gift distribution on 01 and 02 Nov 2014 for 350 children of Konavil Tamil school which is located at 652 Bde AOR. On the termination of workshop foreign delegation distributed a packet of dry ration and Rs. 1000.00 to selected 100 students and their families. Further they visited the houses of 40 selected students and had discussions to study on their living standard. Principal of the respective schools / children and the civilians in the area were very happy about the programmer and requested similar programmers to conduct in future as well.