
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 17:00:10 Hours


1. On the Concept of Comd SF (KLN), Tamil spoken course org by the HQ was concludedwith a glamorous ceremony held on 27 Oct 2014 at AIPT School Barathipuram. 2. The course commenced on 22 Sep2014 and continued until 27 Oct2014 for 35 working days, with the participation of 27 students. At the final grading following attendees were qualified for the first, second & third places of the course. a. S/518905 Cpl Abeykoon RMSK RSP (9 VIR) - 1st Place b. S/370833 Rfm Kumara KVN (8 SLSR) - 2nd Place c. S/678586 PteEkanayaka RWPSB (5 SLCMP) - 3rd Place 3. Commander emphasized at the closing address, the ultimate intention of this course is to win hearts and minds of Tamil people and maximize the language problems that they face whilst they execute duties. 4. Comd SF (KLN), GOCs, Comd FMA(KLN),BdeComds, Col A M Muthalif of Commandant of Tamil Language Training Center at Kothmale, COs and Officers/ORs attended for this closing ceremony.