
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 17:00:04 Hours


Security Forces Kilinochchi organised a Soccer tournament for Civilian and Army Soccer teams in Kilinochchi area. Tournament commened on 24 March 2014 and went on for two weeks. 39 Army teams and 31 civilian sports clubs participated at the tournament. The final matches were played on 7 April 2014 at Kilinochchi Central College grounds. In the civilian segment Waddaikachchi Illanthalir Sports Club and Walaipadu Jegaveetpar Sports Club reached finals and in the army segment 20 Gajaba Regiment and 5 Mechanised Infantry Regiment teams reached finals. The first final was in the civilian segment. Both teams played very enthusiastically but could not mange to score a goal. As a result five penalties were awarded to both teams where Walaipadu Jegaveetpar team scored 4 goals and Waddaikachchi Illanthalir team could score only 2 goals. In the army event 20 Gajaba Regiment scored one goal and 5 Mechanised Infantry Regiment team could not score any goal. Victorius Walaipadu Jegaveetpar team in civilian segment received Rs. 15000.00 in cash, Champion Trophy, certificates and medals and runners up Waddaikachchi Illanthalir team received Rs. 10000.00 in cash Runners up trophy, certificates and medals. Champion 20 Gajaba Regiment team received the Champion trophy and 5 Mechanised Infantry Regiment team recieved the Runners up trophy and both teams recieved certificates and medals.