
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 17:00:57 Hours


With the intention of promoting religious and cultural reconciliation and peace among all communities, 65 Division organized a Sinhala and Tamil New Year Festival at Mulankavil Public Ground on 16 April 2017 under the guidance of Major General Sarath Weerawardena, General Officer Commanding – 65 Division. \r\n\r\nMany traditional and fun games included in the festival like cycle race, marathon, gunny bag races, eye-placing on the elephant, grease-pole climbing, pot cracking, bun-eating, pillow fighting, tracing of hidden guest, tug-of-war, musical chairs, fancy dresses, selection of the ‘Avurudu Kumari’ (new year princess) and ‘Avurudu Kumaraya’ (new year prince) and several other games were among the highlights that dominated the day’s chain of events. More than 1000 military and 2000 civilians participated for the events.\r\n\r\nSame day evening, mega musical show that presented a fine blend of Tamil and Sinhala music, organized by the 65 Division, thrilled many thousands of music lovers gathered at Mulankavil Public Ground and firework show embellished this musical event. Kilinochchi civil community got an exclusive opportunity to enjoy their favorite songs of both languages be sung on one stage continuously more than four hours.\r\n\r\nMajor General Ajith Kariyakarawana, Commander – Security Forces, Kilinochchi graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. General Officer Commanding, Brigade Commanders, Senior Police Officers, State Officers, Other Ranks and civilians from Kilinochchi area took part in the event. Finally, Chief Guest and other invitees presented the valuable prizes for winners of army and civilians who took part for the events. All Brigades and battalions under command to 65 Division gave their fullest support to make it successes. Mulankavil Police Station and Vinayagar Sports Club members also contributed their maximum endeavor for this event.\r\n\r\nIn the meantime, a New Year Festival organized by the troops of the 20th Battalion of Sri Lanka Light Infantry in Poonaryn as an attempt to promote reconciliation between the security forces and the civilians and various traditional games and other fun-making events were conducted throughout the day. Colonel Rohan Ponnamperuma, Commander, 662 Brigade attended as the Chief Guest for the event. More than 300 civilians including 120 pre school children and 80 primary students with their parents participated for the festival.\r\n\r\n2nd Battalion of Sri Lanka National Guard under the 663 Brigade also organized another Sinhala and Tamil New Year Festival at Wannerikulam Play Ground with collaboration of Nestle Lanka Company.\r\n\r\nTraditional and merry-making games and collective competitions dominated the day’s event. Brigadier Subhasana Welikala, Commander - 663 Brigade attended as the Chief Guest for the event and villagers around the camp, family members of Officers and soldiers who are serving the 663 Brigade attended those events. The winners in the competitions were given gifts.\r\n