
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 17:00:53 Hours


As per the concept of His Excellency President Maithripala Sirisena to alleviate poverty from Sri Lanka in the year of 2017 and with the guidance of Commander Security Forces, Major General K A D A Karunasekara RWP RSP VSV USP ndu psc and with the supervision on General Officer Commanding 65 Division, Major General W A S Weerawardhana RSP USP IG and D C Keppetiwalana RSP ndu psc, General Officer Commanding 66 Division, troops of 65 and 66 Divisions commenced three months Agri Cultural and Farming Methods programme on 08 January 2017, for selected 59 farmers of the area.\r\n\r\nThe main objective of the programme is making farmers aware on scientific and innovative farming methods and practices them under supervision. During the three months programme, practical session and lecture sessions are scheduled to be held on working days of the week. Under the supervision of 66 Division, 24 farmers will be trained at Nachchikuda Army Farm while 34 farmers will be trained at Wellankulam Army Farm under the supervision of 65 Division.\r\n \r\nMajor General W A S Weerawardhana RSP USP IG, General Officer Commanding - 65 Division together Senior Officers and Officers Other Ranks, farmers of the area participated for the commencing programme at Wellankulam Army Farm.\r\n\r\nBrigadier D C Keppetiwalana RSP ndu psc, General Officer Commanding - 66 Division together with Brigade Commanders of 661 and 662 brigades, Senior Officers and Officers Other Ranks, farmers of the area participated for the commencing programme at Nachchikuda Army Farm.\r\n