
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 17:01:06 Hours


As per the direction of Major General Ajith Kariyakarawana USP ndc, on 19 December 2017, Sport Games Competition and its Awarding Ceremony was concluded with a colourful ceremony at Parvipanchan play ground.\r\n\r\nThis Final Certificate Awarding Ceremony was organized to mark the apex of the five months of competitive sportsmanship among under command formations and battalions of Security Force Kilinochchi which showcased their talents against each other.\r\n\r\nCricket Tournament and Tug of War tournaments were organized by 65 Division respectively under the direct supervision and guidance of General Officer Commanding Major General Sarath Weerawardhana RSP USP IG and final Tug of War Contest was fought the presence of Chief Guest and other invitees at Certificates and Trophy Awarding Ceremony. Battle PT and Elle tournament were held under the direct guidance and instructions of General Officer Commanding 66 Division Major General Duminda Keppetiwalana RSP ndu psc, and final round of Elle tournament was taken place on the day of Certificates and Trophy Awarding Ceremony at Parvipanchan playground. \r\n \r\nMajor General Ajith Kariyakarawana USP ndc Commander, Security Forces – Kilinochchi graced the awarding ceremony as the chief invitee and winners of the final events were bestowed by the Commander Security Force – Kilinochchi. With the General Officer Commanding and other Senior Officers gave away trophies and certificates to the winners and runners up. Major General Jagath Gunawardena RSP USP ndc psc, General Officer Commanding - 57 Division, Major General Sarath Weerawardena RSP USP IG General Officer Commanding - 65 Division Brigade Commanders, Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks attended the event.\r\n\r\nA result of said sports event as follows;\r\n\r\nCricket\r\nChampionship - 21 (V) SLLI Runners up - 7 SLNG\r\n\r\nMan of Match - S/Q104230 L/CPL Hewage MHNU - (7 SLNG)\r\nBest Bowler - S/21D00470 L/CPL Pathirana PNA- (21 (V) SLLI) \r\nBest Batsmen - S/21D100132 Pte Manoj UHJ- (21 (V) SLLI)\r\n\r\nBattle PT\r\nChampionship - 15(V) SLSR Runners up - 10 SLLI\r\n\r\nBest Commanding Officer - O/4911 Major W A S S Bandara - 20 (V) VIR\r\nBest Company Commander - O/69078 Captain R M A G Rathnayake - 9 VIR \r\nBest Platoon Commander - O/CDT 59721 2/Lt P G G Samapath - 6 SLSR \r\nBest RSM - S/7G00600 WO I Suasantha G - 11 (V) GR\r\nBest CSM - S/461743 WO I W P A C Weerasinghe USP - 1 GR\r\nBest PL SGT - S/513850 Sgt Ranasinghe L R A A RWP RSP - 9 VIR\r\nBest CPL - S/18G00294 Cpl Ranathunga P G D N S C - 18 (V) GR\r\nBest L/CPL - S/329207 L/ Cpl Dias D K S - 20 SLLI\r\nBest PTE - S/15E01797 Pte Malgammana G M M P K - 15 (V) SLSR\r\n\r\nTug of War\r\nChampionship - 10 SLLI Runners up - 19 SLLI Third Place - 24 GW\r\n\r\nElle \r\n\r\nChampionship - 21(V) SLLI Runners up - 11 (V) GR\r\nBest Batsmen - S/D100132 Pte Manoj U H I - 21(V) SLLI\r\nBest Fielder - S/G101394 Pte Herath T M - 11 (V) GR\r\nMan of Match - S/D100132 Pte Manoj U H I - 21(V) SLLI