
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 17:00:22 Hours


Every year on 05 June the World Environment Day is celebrated for raising the general awareness on positive environmental action for protecting the earth and the nature. The theme of World Environment Day is sustainable consumption and production. The slogan for the theme is \" Seven Billion Dreams.OnePlanet.Consume with Care\".\r\n\r\n Focusing on World Environment Day, 9 Field Engineers Regiment organized a Sharamadana campaign with coordination of Civil Security Department and Local Government Kilinochchi on 05 June 2015 at Kilinochchi Hospital.\r\n\r\n With the guidance of Army,approximately 100 of Civil Security Department members,Staff of Local Government Kilinochchi and Kilinochchi Hospital participated this event.Kilinochchi community and Hospital Staff appreciated this event and conveyed their gratitude to the Army for organized a such event.\r\n