
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 17:00:00 Hours


Security forces Kilinochchi conducted a Self Development training capsule to 43 Custom officers in the capacities of Directors, Deputy Directors, Senior Superintendants, Superintendants and Assistant Superintendants of Sri Lanka Customs. The aim of training was to develop their leadership attributes,confidence and skills. The training was conducted at “WISDOM”, the newly developed Training School at Ampakamam from 5 to 11 August 2013. Security Force Kilinochchi has already uplifted the infrastructure facilities at the Wisdom Training School adding fully furnished 49 Cabanas, a modern dining area and a library to facilitate training. The training curriculum included Leadership, Motivation, Confidenece training, Team building, communication, Lecture by Chief of Immigration Mr.Chulananda Pereraon transformation immigration functions, Social Etiquettes, Physical training etc etc. Asper the ideMr, Jagath Wijeweera the Director General Sri Lanka Customs this will be an annual event in their training agenda. The trainees expressed their appreciation and contentment for the opportunity