
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 17:01:01 Hours


The Olympic torch for reconciliation which started it tour from Jaffna, reached to Kilinochchi city on 31 September 2017, along the A 9 Road. Troops of 57 Division started taking responsibility for Olympic torch at the entrance of Division Headquarters and carried the torch to District Secretariat - Kilinochchi, concluding the first day of tour. \r\n\r\nOn 01 September 2017, second day of the Olympic torch for reconciliation tour initiated at the District secretariat premises with simple ceremony. District secretary, Kilinochchi Mr. Arumenayagam Sundaralingam, General Officer Commanding 57 Division Major General Jagath Gunawardhana and many senior officials participated to the said ceremony. At the end of the ceremony, a sapling was planted as token of memory of the event. Finally, troops under Security Forces Headquarters took responsibility for Olympic torch and then it was given to Ministry of Sport at the entrance of 57 Division Headquarters to be taken to Mullativu District. This Olympic torch is being taken to Island wide in different places to make understanding and unity among Sri Lankans and to give importance to sports.