
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 17:00:57 Hours


To entrust the reconciliation and mutual awareness among military personnel and civilians in Kilinochchi district, troops who are serving under Security Forces - Kilinochchi organized several social services and community project. Among them, granted donations of cash cheques for handicapped were taken place on 31 March 2017 at Harmony Center, Kilinochchi. The programme got under way as a result of an initiative taken by Major General Ajith Kariyakarawana USP ndc, Commander, Security Forces - Kilinochchi together with members of Centre for the Handicapped in Kundasale.\r\n\r\nWith the sponsorship of Centre for the Handicapped in Kundasale granted Rs.20, 000 per each and 11 handicapped that have been donated artificial limbs from Centre for the Handicapped, were selected as recipients who have been from low-income families and they were granted funds to initiate new self employments as their capabilities. These cash funds were granted as beneficiary loan and after repayment the loans, new self employees would be reached to maximum RS.100, 000 worth of funds.\r\n\r\nMeanwhile, 35 young ladies of Kilinochchi area have been awarded the certificates by Chief Guest and other invitees as a symbolical sign of successful complication of 03 Beauty Cultural Courses, each has extended of 06 months of time duration. Further 04 young ladies were awarded certificates who have been completed the 06 months Dress Making Course. These both courses were coordinated by 6 Sri Lanka Women\'s Corps with the sponsorship from the ‘Guna Jaya Sathuta Padanama’ (Foundation of Goodness).\r\n\r\nThe head of ‘Guna Jaya Sathuta Padanama’ (Foundation of Goodness), Mr. Kushil Gunasekara donated worth of Rs.35,000 sports items including 20 Soccer Balls and 05 Air Pumps to uplift sport skills and spirit of military personnel who are serving in the Kilinochchi area.\r\n\r\nEnd of the event Commander Security Forces - Kilinochchi shared his views and highlighted impotency of reconciliation among the Northern and Southern peoples. Further he asked to get the maximum benefits of the donation while coordinating with the military who will be facilitated every assistance for the Kilinochchi peoples wherever they need. \r\n\r\nMajor General Ajith Kariyakarawana USP ndc, Security Forces - Kilinochchi graced the occasion as the Chief Guest for the event. Mr. Kushil Gunasekara - Head of the Foundation of Goodness, Mr. Billy Walpola General Manager - Marketing from Tokyo Cement Company, Mr. Kalidhasan from Centre for the Handicapped in Kundasale, Brigade Commanders, Commanding Officers and large no of civilians were graced the event.