
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 17:00:04 Hours


The military carried out numerous efforts to convey the message of peace to civilians by eradicating the war prevailed for more than three decades in this area. The same effort is being continued to ensure the harmony and to blossom their natural smile on their faces. Specially the Army provides their fullest support for civilians in their festivals in order to experience the beauty of the life. Security Force –Kilinochchi highly concerns about the welfare of soldiers as well as civilians. This headquarters has taken all the necessary actions to bestow the Sinhala and Hindu New Year for civilians in this time. Number of events has been organized in this year to make the New Year Festival a marvelous one. According to that many New Year games have been arranged including some games belong to Hindu culture. The New Year Games are as follows; a Selecting of the prince/ princess of the New Year b Drawing the eye or the elephant c Scrapping coconuts d Reversing the tractor with the tailor e Climbing the greased pole f Thug of War (Male/Female) g Searching the hidden guest h Pillow Fighting I Drawing Kolam j Eating buns k Rowing boats l Hurdles m Marathon (Male/ Female) n Feeding curd to blind o Riding Bicycle slowly p Kawadi q Kabadi r Weaving coconut leaves s Breaking the pot t Village Home u Catching eggs The main New Year festival in Kilinochchi area will be held on 05 April 2014 under the guidance of Maj. Gen. S Ranasinghe RWP RSP NDU Psc, the commander of Security Force Kilinochchi at the playground of Kilinochchi Central College: with the theme of “Prosperity and Harmony” . It will be held with the assistance of all the Non Government organizations and Government Organizations and with the participation of all Security Forces including Sri Lanka Air Force, Sri Lanka Navy, Civil Security Department and Sri Lanka Police. In this time the New Year festival has been organized by focusing on Tamil culture, customs rituals and their essence rather than previous years in order to strengthen the mutual understanding and friendly environment with the Army.