
Security Force Headquarters

04th March 2021 13:11:27 Hours


The formal first visit of the Commander, Security Forces Kilinochchi, Major General Harendra Ranasinghe to 571 Infantry Brigade and its under command Battalions took place on 03 March 2021.

The Commander Security Force was honoured by Guard Turnout at 571 Infantry Brigade Headquarters on his arrival and invited to plant a sapling at the Brigade premises by the 571 Brigade Commander, Brigadier Dammika Welagedara. Afterward, the comprehensive briefings on role & tasks of Brigade and Battalions were conducted by the Brigade Commander and COs of under command units respectively. Thereafter, he visited the Battalions of 9 SLSR and 7 SLLI and during those visits, Commander SF (KLN) was briefed about their sector responsibilities and intelligence capacities and capabilities in depth by the respective battalion intelligence officers.

During those camp visits, Commander Security Force Kilinochchi planted saplings to symbolize his visits while interacting with the troops. General Officer Commanding of the 57 Infantry Division, Senior Staff Officers of the SFHQ-Kilinochchi and 57 Division and Battalion Commanders were present during the Commander’s visits.