
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 17:00:57 Hours


As per the concept His Excellency President Maithripala Sirisena as the year 2017 as poverty alleviation years, troops of Security Forces - Kilinochchi conducted many social welfare projects to reduce the poverty in Kilinochchi district.\r\n\r\nThe first step of these session programme, the three-month long Agriculture programme conducted for selected farming community by the Army Directorate of Agriculture and Livestock on the directions of the Commander, Security Forces - Kilinochchi Major General Ajith Kariyakarawana and the guidance of the Director, Agriculture and Livestock ended at the Nachchikuda and Vellankulam Farms during a simple ceremony on 05 April 2017.\r\n\r\nThe three-month long course was initiated on 8 January 2017 to suit the ongoing national programme on agriculture. 25 civil farmers and 06 army soldiers at Nachchikuda Farm and 27 civil farmers at Vellankulam Farms were participated for the course. During the three months course civil farmers were enlightened on both theoretical and practical knowledge on Crop Cultivation, Livestock Management, Agro Equipment Management and methods of Water Supply at the respective farm.\r\n\r\nClosing address and certificate awarding ceremony of the course was conducted at the Vellankulam and Nachchikuda farm and Major General Sarath Weerwardena - General Officer Commanding - 65 Division and Brigadier Duminda Keppetiwalana, General Officer Commanding - 66 Division graced occasion as chief guest and awarded certificate for the trainees.\r\n\r\nFurther, Brigadier Duminda Keppetiwalana, General Officer Commanding - 66 Division donated poultry and Beehive Boxes to the trainers as the assistance which is supported by military to their own business. \r\n\r\nCaptain B B U R Bandara, Captain R M B Rathnayake and Captain B G K Eranda of Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps (SLAGSC) gave instructional support under the Directorate of Agriculture and Livestock.\r\n\r\nReligious leaders, Senior Officers, Officers, Other Rankers and a group of civilians also contributed to the occasion.