
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 17:00:07 Hours


Security Force Headquarters Kilinochchi always fulfill the basic needs of school students in this AOR in order to make them comfortable to continue their studies well. With the prime intention of facilitating a good sleep in order to maintain qualitative primary education of students in grade 1 to 7 in this AOR, distribution of 1600 sleeping kits distribution ceremony was held on 6 and 7 July 2014 at Nelum Piyasa and Kilinochchi Dharmapuram Maha Vidyalaya with the presence of Commander Security Force Kilinochchi. This ceremony was organized as two stages by 57 Div. As the first stage of this Commander SF (KLN) gave away bed kits for 800 students at Nelum Piyasa. Each bed kit contains mosquito nets, bed sheets, pillow cases, pyjama, towel, T- Shirts, Trousers, School Bag, pair of shoes, pair of socks and a water bottle. The second stage of this ceremony was executed with the presence of GOC 57 Div on 7 July 2014 at Dharmapuram Maha Vidyalaya. This charity work was initiated by Rotary Club Kelaniya with the financial assistance of SCAW in Canada (SLEEPING CHILDREN AROUND THE WORLD). Commander SF(KLN) as the chief guest, GOCs of 57 and 65 Divs, Zonal Education Director , members of the NGO, SCAW, members of Rotary Club Kelaniya, school students, their parents and teachers took part in this occasion.