
Security Force Headquarters

26th June 2018 16:52:14 Hours


A Pirith Chanting ceremony was organized by the Security Force Headquarters - Kilinochchion 22 June 2018 to Commemorate the 9th Anniversary of the Security Force Headquarters - Kilinochchi under the direction of Major General Niyshshanka Ranawana, Commander Security Force Headquarters - Kilinochchi. This was the first event which held to invoke the blessings to the troops and the organization as a part of the series of events.

A colourful “Perahera” comprised of dancers of the cultural troupe, conducted members of the Maha Sangha to traditionally crafted pirith chanting chamber and the Commander Security Force Headquarters - Kilinochchi in keeping with ancient traditions, offered the tray of betel to members of the Maha Sangha, seated in the pirith chanting chamber, inviting them to commence chanting until the following morning and Maha Sangha chanted all-night pirith. The next day morning offered alms to Maha Sangha. GOCs ,Bde Comds, COs, many officers and other ranks participated the occasion.