
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 17:01:01 Hours


According to the concept of Commander Security Forces Kilinochchi Major General Ajith Kariyakarawana, Tamil Language Proficiency courses were commenced at every under command battalions in the area under three stages. Certificate awarding ceremony of said course was held at Nelumpiyasa Auditorium on 27 September 2017 as a glorious ceremony. \r\n\r\nThe objective of these courses was to develop the Tamil Language skills of the military members in the Security Forces Kilinochchi for the provision of an efficient service without any language barrier. These courses were held as three stages. One of the stages of said course concluded within 30 days. Throughout the past 06 months 2373 of military personnel educated at these series of course. \r\n\r\nCommander Security Forces Kilinochchi graced the certificate awarding ceremony as guest of honour. District Secretary - Kilinochchi, S. Arumeinayagam, General Officer Commandings, Commanders of under Command brigades, Commanding Officers, Zonal Education Directors, Buddhist, Hindu, Islam priests, School Principals in the area also graced the occasion. The final results of the above Tamil course as follows;\r\n\r\n1 ST STAGE \r\nFIRST - 24 GW - 571 Brigade - 57 Division\r\nFIRST - 6 (V) SLAWC - 573 Brigade - 65 Division\r\nSECOND - 5 SLCMP - 663 Brigade - 66 Division\r\n\r\n2ND STAGE \r\nFIRST - 4 MIC - 653 Brigade - 65 Division\r\nSECOND - 6 (V) SLAWC - 571 Brigade - 57 Division\r\nTHIRD - 24 GW - 573 Brigade - 66 Division\r\n\r\n3RD STAGE \r\nFIRST - 7 SLLI - 573 Brigade - 65 Division\r\nSECOND - 7 SLLI - 574 Brigade - 57 Division\r\nTHIRD - 1 SLSR - 652 Brigade - 66 Division\r\n \r\nAt the end of the certificate awarding ceremony, selected 50 under command formations, headquarters and Battalions of Security Forces Kilinochchi were donated television sets by the Commander. The worth of the 50 television sets were Rs. 3,663,000.00. This donation was made under the direction of Commander Security Forces (Kilinochchi), to fortify the welfare of military personnel who are serving in the area of responsibility.\r\n