
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 17:01:01 Hours


75 push Bicycles were donated to school children of low income families in Kilinochchi District by Security Forces - Kilinochchi with the sponsorship of Foundation of Goodness on 02 August 2017 in Nelum Piyasa Auditorium in concurrent to the civil military coordination events which are conducted by Security Forces. 57 Division has organized the programme under the guidance of Commander Security Forces - Kilinochchi.\r\n\r\nMany numbers of families in Kilinochchi district belong to low income level, and then the parents and other members of the families constantly want to use the available Bicycles for their day to day chores depriving young students to use them. Hence school children walk the distances to school and are late for the lessons. On focusing on above requirement of school children\'s sympathetically, Major General Ajith Kariyakarawana USP ndc, Commander Security Forces Kilinochchi invited to the Foundation of Goodness to donate Bicycle for the school children because their family could not afford such facilities for their children.\r\n\r\nMajor General Ajith Kariyakarawana USP ndc graced the event as the Chief Guest. Major General Jagath Gunawardena General Officer Commanding - 57 Division, Major General Sarath Weerawardena General Officer Commanding - 65 Division, Mr. David Cruise from Foundation of Goodness and its members Mr. Alston, Mr. Matt and Mrs. Fazana Ibraheem, senior military officers and parents of students, teachers witnessed the event. \r\n\r\nThe Bikes for Life campaign, initiated by Kumara Sangakkara with the assistance of the Foundation of Goodness, has successfully delivered 3,922 bicycles to school children and villagers, and now sets out to raise funds to complete 4,028 bikes delivered to villagers living in the rural areas surrounding Kilinochchi, Mankulam and Mullativu. These bicycles will be given to carefully selected villagers with preference given to children who desperately need transportation to attend school and obtain the education necessary to free them from a life of hardship and poverty.\r\n\r\nThe bicycle will be helped the students to participate in more social and community events which make them more active, outgoing and tighten their relationship with others. The parents and students were highly appreciated the attempt made by Foundation of Goodness to illuminate the future of next generation in Kilinochchi.