
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 17:00:07 Hours


As per the direction of Commander SF(KLN), troops execute numerous projects with the intention of enhancing inborn talents of youth and harmony between troops and civilians in Kilinochchi. 66 Division Headquarters organized a musical show from 1900 hrs to 2200 hrs on 16 July 2014 at Kilinochchi- Punarin Public Ground to entertain the community. Band of 15 VIR contributed music and a civil dancing group from Punarin and CSD dancing group added glamour to the occasion with their attractive performances. Mr. N Ganeshan a popular Tamil singer in Sri Lanka also joined with the occasion entertaining the community. The audience conveyed their heartiest gratitude to Commander SF (KLN) for initiating such event once a month giving them an opportunity to enjoy live music. Mag. Gen. A P de Z Wickramarathne RWP ndu psc GOC of 66 Div grace the occasion as the chief guest and Senior Officers, COs in this AOR, Government Officers, Religious Leaders and civilians enjoyed the occasion.