
Security Force Headquarters

26th December 2017 17:01:06 Hours


Arasapurakulam Battalions Training School under command to 66 Division is locate in Poonaryn Divisional Secretary area in Kilinochchi and it plays major role in successfully conducting several courses for the soldiers such as Battalions Tranining, Awareness programme, Yoga course, Tamil and Clark Course.\r\n\r\nDuring the training period, soldiers who are accomadating at the school face to a main problem with sortage of consuming pure water in drought season and the school is also located in a area which has been severely affected by chronic kidney disease (CKD), which is believed to be caused by consumption of contaminated water. After identifying this major problem, Major General D C Keppetiwalana RSP ndu psc General Officer Commanding – 66 Division has given his personal concern on this matter and requirement was completed within a short time providing clean water to this training school.\r\n\r\nWith the invitation of General Officer Commanding – 66 Division, Chairman of Thissa Jinasena Foundation Dr. Thissa Jinasena gave his kind consideration for this and donated worth of Rs. 500,000 one water purification system which will have capacity to purify 20,000L of water per day and 03 plastic water tanks (5000L) to the Arasapurakulam Battalions Training School during a simple ceremony. \r\n\r\nThe simple ceremony was held at respective training school with the participation of Major General D C Keppetiwalana RSP ndu psc General Officer Commanding – 66 Division, Chairman of Thissa Jinasena Foundation Dr. Thissa Jinasena and members, Brigade Commanders and several senior military officers attended for the event.