
Security Force Headquarters

18th October 2018 06:00:20 Hours


As per the direction of the Major General Niyshshanka Ranawana, Commander Security Force Kilinochchi and according to his concept of up lifting the mental satiability and endurance as well as sport capability of the soldiers, Basketball and Badminton games were held at indoor and outdoor cords at Security Force Headquarters - Kilinochchi premises on 17 Oct 18.

The Basketball tournament was organized by 9 Field Engineers under the supervision of Forward Maintenance Area - Kilinochchi and 13 teams from various units in Security Force – Kilinochchi area competed for the championship. In the final game, 9 Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment and 19 Sri Lanka Light Infantry Regiment teams competed with each other and 9 Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment team won the trophy.

On the same day, Badminton torment also held at Security Force Headquarters-Kilinochchi and it was organized by 7 Sri Lanka Electrical and Mechanical Engineers under the supervision of Forward Maintenance Area - Kilinochchi. The Security Force Headquarters - Kilinochchi team and 21 Sri Lanka Light Infantry Regiment team were selected for final out of 26 teams and after the close encounter Security Force Headquarters Kilinochchi team became the winner of the trophy.

Commander, Security Forces Kilinochchi, Major General Niyshshanka Ranawana graced the occasion as the chief guest of the day’s event. The Commander, Forward Maintenance Area - Kilinochchi, General Officer Commanding of 57 and 66 Divisions, Brigade Commanders, Senior Officers, Officers and a large number of Other Ranks attended in this event.