2022-08-17 19:16:33
The Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps Seva Vanitha Unit (SLAGSC-SVU) organized a series of welfare programmes on 29 July at the SLAGSC Headquarters premises where 130 nutritional packs were distribu...
2022-06-24 10:29:16
The Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps Seva Vanitha Unit (SLAGSC-SVU) ladies on account of the Poson Poya day (14) held a gram ' Dansela' and offered free flowers to the devotees, attending the Bodhi...
2022-04-27 13:41:45
The Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps - Seva Vanitha Unit (SLAGSC-SVU) organized a series of welfare and commemorative events to mark the International Women's Day on 09 April 2022 at the SLAGSC Reg...
2022-03-08 17:26:53
The Annual General Meeting of Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps - Seva Vanitha Unit (SLAGSC-SVU) was held on 08th January 2022 at the RHQ SLAGSC with the participation of many spouses of the SLAGSC ...
2022-01-23 07:57:18
The Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps Seva Vanitha Unit and the SLAGSC RHQ jointly provided school equipment, stationeries, and spectacles to children of SLAGSC families & Civil Staff families, wort...