
Sri Lanka Army
Seva Vanitha Unit

17th August 2022 19:16:33 Hours

SLAGSC - SVU Conducts Welfare Projects & Organizes Blood Donation

The Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps Seva Vanitha Unit (SLAGSC-SVU) organized a series of welfare programmes on 29 July at the SLAGSC Headquarters premises where 130 nutritional packs were distributed among pregnant women soldiers of the SLAGSC and 100 spectacles among SLAGSC soldiers with vision impairments.

On the same day, as part of their community project, 150 SLAGSC Officers and Other Ranks voluntarily donated blood to the Maharagama Apeksha Hospital through the coordination of the SLAGSC-SVU.

Mrs Eranga Hewawasam, Chairperson, SLAGSC - SVU was present during those projects and gave necessary guidelines for the success of the project.