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ශ්‍රී ලංකා ඉංජිනේරු බළකාය

මව්බිම ගෞරවය සේවය


Lieutenant Colonel L V R C N Bandara RSP psc SLE


10 SLE (RFT) was raised on 03 Aug 2007 as an reinforcement regiment to liberate Jaffna peninsular. Since then it has completed 05 years in the theatre of Jaffna. With the expansion of Security Force Headquarters (Jaffna) the Regiment was located at Mavady and Kilaly. After liberating Kilinochchi the Regiment was undercommand to 671 Infantry Brigade and re-located at Palai in order to secure the coastal belt and dominate rear areas. In addition to the security of the area, Regiment was mainly performed re-settlement activities in Palai and Pulopalai areas. Under re-adjustment of Divisions / Brigades in Jaffna peninsular the Regiment was re-located at Potpathi under 521 Infantry Brigade on 26 Jan 11. After that the Regiment was re-designated as classic Engineer Regiment and took over duties from 1 Field Engineer Regiment on 12th July 2011. Then the Regiment was again re-located at Myliddy and under the Command of Jaffna Security Force Headquarters.


  Construction of a pier in front of Thalsewana Army resort.
  Destruction of existing earth bund along the coast from 'T' Junction to Thalsewana Army resort.
  Jungle clearing and leveling of existing bunds at Iddaikadu and Kurumpasiddy to release lands for civilians.
  Jungle clearing at Jaffna Security Force Headquarters farm (125 acres )
  Ground filling and leveling works for Thalsewana Cabanas.
  Jungle clearing and leveling of existing bunds at Iddaikadu and Kurumpasiddy to release lands for civilians.
  Jungle clearing on proposed Industrial Estate at Achchuweli.
  Cleaning of water canal and ground leveling works at Jaffna Fort.
  Excavation of water tanks to breed crabs at Kayts.


The unit is presently deployed in Myladdy with 101 and 102 Field Squadrons on Humanitarian demining in Muhamalai. 103 Field Squadron and 104 Plant Squadron are collocated with 10 Field Headquarters in Myladdy.


  Constr of a pier in front of Thalsewana Army resort.
  Destruction of existing earth bund along the coast from 'T'Junction to Thalsewana Army resort.(2.8 km)
  Jungle clearing and destruction of existing bunds at Idaikadu to release lands for civilians.(Distance 2.5 km)
  Jungle clearing and destruction of existing bunds at Kurumpasiddy to release lands for civilians. (Distance 3 Kms)
  Jungle clearing at SFHQ(J) farm (125 acres )
  Jungle clearing and leveling of existing bunds at Iddaikadu and Kurumpasiddy to release lands for civilians.
  Sand transportation for constr works at Army resort - Thalsewana and Offrs mess at HQ SF (J) ( 200 cubes )
  Ground filling and leveling works at Thalsewana Cabanas.
  Constr of MSR at 55 Div AOR. (Phase 1 - from Kuveni Junction to 55 Div - 07 Kms)
  Transportation of sands for proposed Army Comds Holiday Bungalow at Myliddy (200 cubes)
  Rd constr, ground filling and leveling at proposed Mech Inf Bde - Iyakachchi.
  Earth filling and leveling works at proposed Army Comds Holiday Bungalow at Myliddy.


  Jungle clearing on proposed Industrial Estate at Achchuweli (45 acres).
  Cleaning of water canal and ground leveling works at Jaffna Fort.
  Excavation of water tanks to breed crabs at Kayts.
  Transportation of sands to constr Mahajana Vidyalaya at Thelippalai (200 Cubs).


  Cleared a part of land at Kankasanthurai Naval base - 83500 sqm.
  Cleared a land on proposed SLBC tower at Putthur - 12000 m2
  Cleared a land at upstream and downstream existing bridges on fol rds.
Nawatkuli to Kerathivu - 2 x bridges
Manipay to Kaythady - 4 x bridges
Valalai to Arali - 1 x bridges
Cleared lands at existing railway bridges between EPS to KKS - 1st Stage 12 x bridges.

EOD Tasks

Demolition of UXOs in various demining sites

Development Projects (Civil)

  Jungle clearing on proposed Industrial Estate at Achchuweli (45 acres). Excavation of water tanks to breed crabs at Kayts.
  Cleaning of water canal and ground leveling works at Jaffna Fort.
  Transportation of sands to constr Mahajana Vidyalaya at Thelippalai (200 Cubs)


Second In Command Maj LLCS Cabraal psc SLE
Adjutant Capt PM Ihalavithana SLE
Intelligence Officer Lt NPEK Gunawadhana SLE
Quarter Master - General -
Regimental Sergeant Major -
Regimental Sergeant Major - Field WO I TBSR Karunarathna
Artificer Sergeant Majors - Plant WO II Ekanayaka HMG
Regimental Quarter Master Sergeant WO II Bandara TMC


  100 HQ Squadron Maj DMC Dasanayaka RSP SLE
  101 Field Squadron Maj EDP Edirisinghe USP SLE (Over Looking)
  102 Field Squadron Maj EDP Edirisinghe USP SLE (Over Looking)
  103 Field Squadron Maj EDP Edirisinghe USP SLE
  104 Plant Squadron Maj DMC Dasanayaka RSP SLE (Over Looking)


Lt Col WRAHK Wijesundara SLE
(From 03.08.2007 - 24.05.2009)
Lt Col AHLG Amarapala psc SLE
(From 25.05.2009 - 28.10.2010)

Lt Col DBL Colonne SLE
(From 25.10.2010 - 10.12.2013)
Lt Col HSK Jayasinghe
(From 12.12.2013 - 25.08.2016)

Lt Col MKV Manoharan USP SLE
(Form 25.08.2016 - 19.08.2018)
Maj PADSW Ponnamperuma USP psc SLE
(From 19.08.2018 – 31.05.2020)



WO1 BMG Bamunurathna
(From 24.09.2007 - 15.12.2007)
WO1 HG Jayasekara
(From 26.12.2007 - 15.04.2009)

WO1 HM Jayarathna
(From 16.04.2009 - 17.02.2010)
WO1 CS Kulathilaka
(From 18.02.2010 - 01.09.2010)

WO1 HMBM Herath
(From 01.09.2010 - 07.03.2011)
WO1 AH Premalal
(From 07.03.2011 - 01.12.2011)

WO1 TDN Jayasooriya
(From 02.12.2011 - 27.07.2012)
WO1 MG Thilakarathna
(From 28.07.2012 - 25.05.2013)

WO1 LADCP Gunawardhana
(From 25.05.2013 - 31.08.2013)
WO1 MG Anura
(From 01.09.2013 - 30.06.2014)

WO1 AASK Athauda
(From 20.02.2015 - 26.06.2017)
WO1 BTG Jayarathne
(From 26.06.2017 - 29.09.2017)

WO1 SPK Sooriyagoda
(From 29.07.2017 - 22.07.2018)
(From 23.07.2018 - 02.06.2019)

WO1 SAS Udayakumara RSP
(From2019.02.06 to 2020.10.24)
WO 1 BDD Perera
(From 2020.10.25 - )

Lt Col WKST Kannangara psc SLE



The unit is presently deployed in Myladdy with 101 and 102 Field Squadrons on Humanitarian demining in Muhamalai. 103 Field Squadron and 104 Plant Squadron are collocated with 10 Field Headquarters in Myladdy.