23rd January 2018 14:50:52 Hours
The annual meeting of ex-servicemen association of Sri Lanka Army Pioneer Corps held at the premises of Ex-servicemen Association presided by the Col KC Dharmasena RSP Centre Commandant SLAPC on 18th March 2017.
23rd January 2018 14:50:52 Hours
The Regiment of Sri Lanka Pioneers Corps organized and presented a Buddhist film called "Pin Wadana Punya Boomi Wandana" at Public Auditorium of Mathugama on 29th October 2016 to raise funds of for the welfare of RHQ SLAPC. Most of the military representatives and the council members were attended at the occasion.
23rd January 2018 14:50:52 Hours
Planted trees to mark the witness of National Tree Planting Programme of Sri Lanka Army called "WANA ROPA" on 21st October 2016 at the Regimental HQ premises by the Col KC Dharmasena RSP Centre Commandant.
23rd January 2018 14:50:52 Hours
23rd January 2018 14:50:52 Hours
The foundation stone laid for the new Officers mess building at RHQ SLAPC was held under the patronage of Centre Commandant, Col KC Dharmasena RSP, on 02nd June 2016. The ceremony commenced with the blessings of the Maha Sanga.