The regimental colours were awarded to the regiment in 1921. In recognition of the record broth in the Boer war, in which a mounted company of the regiment, took part and in 1914 and 1918 the World War I during which many members of the regiment saw the service overseas and the Regiment it self took over guard duties in Colombo. Thus relieving a unit of the regular army, which had this responsibility up to then.

Kings' and the Regimental Colours

Queens and Regimentals Colours
On 22nd March 1922 CLI was awarded with the Kings and the Regimental Colours. When the first battalion regular force was formed, her majesty queen Elizabeth II presented the new colours to the battalion in 1949. The Queens and Regimentals Colours were presented to the 1st battalion on 21st April 1954 by her majesty queen Elizabeth II having been transposed in the article of significant by the declaration of the Republic of Sri Lanka were land to rest within the regimental museum on 29th June 1974.
In Ceylon, becoming the Republic Sri Lanka, the Queen's Colours had to be laid down & the President JR Jayawardena granted SL Presidents Colours and Regimental Colours to the 1st Bn SLLI and 2nd Vol Bn SLLI. on 10th October 1978 his Excellency the President of Democratic, Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka awarded President and Regimental Colours to 1 SLLI in 1 SLLI parade square Army Cantonment Panagoda. The parade was commanded by Col CAMN Silva - CO 1 SLLI with the CO 2 (V) SLLI Lt Col Wijekoone as 2IC of the parade Comd 2(v) CLI.

President Colours and Regimental Colours

His excellency the President of Democratic, Socialist of Sri Lanka awarded President and Regiment Colours to 1 SLLI