
Sri Lanka Light Infantry

I Serve

18th March 2024 21:16:29 Hours


1st Stage of Officers training day was conducted on 13th March 2024 under the supervision of overlooking Director General General Staff, Quarter Master General of Sri Lanka Army and present Colonel of the Regiment Major General GMN Perera RWP RSP USP ndc.

108 Officers including Commanding Officers, senior Officers / Officers of regular and volunteer Battalions, Officers who are performing the duties at the Extra Regiment Employments, participated for this event. This training day programmed was conducted at the Regimental Centre premises. This training session was started at the morning with physical Training schedule and followed by sword drill training. with the intension of improving knowledge on the subject of "Officer's Career progression" The lecture was conducted by Military Secretariat Branch. Further "Strength Management system” and "weapons management system" lectures were conducted by officers of Directorate of Operations.

In addition to that, "cricket tournament" was conducted on regiment Russell Heyn ground at the afternoon to build up sportsmanship among the Officers. At the evening, Defence and Military analysis Mr Asif Fuard had delivered valuable lecture for all Officers at the Officers mess. At the end of the training day Colonel of the Regiment had appreciated all Officers and given inspiring guidelines to uplift career development of all Officers.