
Sri Lanka Light Infantry

I Serve

02nd November 2022 17:10:18 Hours

Newly introduced “Officers' Mess Management System”

The introduction ceremony of a new mobile and web application for “Officers' Mess Management System” was held on 25.10.2022 at the Sri Lanka Light Infantry Officers’ Mess in the presence of Commander of the Army Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu by the honorable invitation of the Army Chief of Staff and Colonel of the Regiment of Sri Lanka Light Infantry Major General Jagath Kodituvakku RWP RSP ndu.

This software system is simplified for accurately calculate the value of the mess bills, efficiently manage the stock conditions, as well as greatly reduce the time spent in accounting, this software system makes it possible to get many facilities such as ordering food and services and checking mess bills through a mobile phone application.

The new IT deployment system was designed by the technical experts of the Directorate of Information Technology under the guidance and supervision of Chief Signal Officer of the Army Major General HMLD Herath RSP USP psc and Director IT Brigadier GLSW Liyanage USP psc.

A large gathering of Senior Officers and officers of the Army participated in the launching of e-bill management system.