
Sri Lanka Light Infantry

I Serve

22nd September 2022 11:02:54 Hours


The one of the dedicated senior officers belongs to SLLI insignia, who was truly inspired the leadership for the Regimental Centre and under Command Battalions, Brigadier TCK Peiris RWP RSP the Centre Commandant – RHQ SLLI handed over the officer on 17, (Saturday) September 2022.

He has contributed his maximum for the vast development of the Regimental Centre and the Battalions up on taking over the appointment on 07 January 2021. Some of them are, installing Bottled drinking water project, commencing the construction of second floor of the three storied office complex, construction of Golden Fence around the Bodhi, extending the bar area of the Officer’s Mess, installing elevator in OR’s Mess building, Renovation of ‘B’ billet, construction of new two storied toilet complex, renovation of No 2 accommodation building in WO’s and Sgt’s mess, interlocking internal road network, construction of side walls around Russel Hein ground, Carpeting of the road in front of Col of the Regiment’s chalet and construction of side walls around, installing water pipe line in OR’s Kitchen, renovation of colour vehicle, construction of jogging track, distributing 30 computers to the RHQ and Battalions and networking computer lab and asphalting the road network.

Further, he has done a remarkable job in order identify and award houses to the family member s of the war heroes who were killed in action during the war. He was always instructed to clear of the pending issues regarding to the soldiers who were wounded in action, especially on their retirement issues and medical boards.

Under the directions of the Chief of Staff of the Sri Lanka Army and Col of the Regiment Sri Lanka Light Infantry Regiment Maj Gen TJ Kodithuwakku RWP RSP ndu a gala and colourful guard turnout and Parade was awarded for the outgoing Centre Commandant. Moreover, Brigadier Krishantha Peiris has commemorate the fallen war heroes at ‘Abhiman Mudunatha’. Thereafter, Centre Commandant and all senior officers, officers were attended for the group photograph and followed by troops address by the outgoing Centre Commandant. Finally, all participants were enjoyed the tea with Centre Commandant and he was awarded a memento as a token of appreciation on behalf of Col of the Regiment and all ranks of the Sri Lanka Light Infantry Regiments. Col of the Regt and all members of the Sri Lanka Light Infantry extend all the success in future assignments for the outgoing Centre Commandant.