
Sri Lanka Light Infantry

I Serve

20th October 2019 12:22:45 Hours


Colonel MHMLSK Weerasekara was born on 23 October 1962 at Kandy. He was a product of Alawathugoda Central Collage Kandy and he was very clever student in both academic and sports. He was very popular sportsmen in school especially in athletic.

Colonel MHMLSK Weerasekara enlisted to the Sri Lanka Army as an Officer Cadet on 14 February June1986, and completed his Officer Cadet training at prestigious Sri Lanka Military Academy. At the termination of the basic training he was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant and subsequently posted to the 2 Battalion Sri Lanka Armored Corps Regiment on 27 June 1986.Later this Battalion converted as 5(V) SLLI

Colonel MHMLSK Weerasekara has followed numerous local and overseas courses in various fields such as Platoon Commander course, Assault pioneer course, Civil Affairs course, Mid carrier course Pakistan, in view of enhance his professional knowledge in order to perform entrusted duties as competent manner. He had held most of key appointments in the Battalion and rendered his valuable service for sovereignty and integrity of the motheland.

In his extended military career over the period of over 33 years, he rendered his valuable service in various capacities in Command, and Staff appointments from the elementary level up to the higher level to-date. Some of key appointments that he held were , Second in Command of 13SLNG and and 17 SLNG , Commanding Officer 9SLNG and 9(V)SLLI, Civil Affairs Officer 225Bde, Col Coord SFHQ(KLN) SFHQ(Wanni).

Officers of Sri Lanka Light Infantry bid farewell “Dinner” to outgoing Colonel MHMLSK Weerasekara , on 19 October 2019 , in the Regimental Officers’ Mess. Finally, Brig KWR De Abrew RWP RSP USP psc Hdmc has deliver a speech to appreciate his valuable long service. On behalf of the Col of the Regt and all Officers of Sri Lanka Light Infantry, Maj Gen HMJK Gunarathna WWV RWP RSP ndc psc has presented a special memento and wish him for a future endeavor.