
Sri Lanka Light Infantry

I Serve

30th January 2018 12:38:17 Hours

Presidents Colours awarding ceremony .....

1. The birth of the Sri Lanka Light Infantry coincided with the founding of the then Ceylon Light Infantry Volunteers on 1st April 1881. When the Ceylon Army was raised on 10th October 1949, the Ceylon Infantry Regiment was accordingly formed as a Regular Infantry Battalion. The Sri Lanka Light Infantry is the pioneer Regiment in the Sri Lanka Army which has a proud history spanning for 134 years. Since the Regiment was formed in 1881 as the Ceylon Light Infantry Volunteers, it has spread its wings to include 24 Battalions, a Training School and a Regimental Centre which comprises of 661 Officers and over 15,000 Soldiers. \r\n\r\n2. The 2nd (Volunteer) Battalion of the Sri Lanka Light Infantry was awarded the King\'s Colours in 1922, Her Majesty the Queen of England Elizabeth II\'s Colours in 1954 and the President\'s Colours in 1978 by the then President of Sri Lanka on 10 October 1978. The 1st Battalion of the Sri Lanka Light Infantry was awarded Her Majesty, the Queen of England Elizabeth II\'s Colours in 1954 and the President\'s Colours in 1978 for loyal and exemplary service rendered to the nation in the face of the enemy in different eras. \r\n\r\n3. For the dedication and service contributed to the mother land, HE the President Maithripala Sirisena awarded President\'s colours to Sri Lanka Light Infantry Regiment and re-awarded President\'s colours to the 1st battalion Sri Lanka Light Infantry and 2(V)nd battalion Sri Lanka Light Infantry on 26 Monday, October 2015.\r\n\r\n4. Lieutenant General Crishanathe de Silva - Commander of the Army received the Chief Guest at the Parade Ground and Major General Amal Karunasekara present the 1st Battalion Sri Lanka Light Infantry History book to HE the President Maithripala Sirisena at the Parade ground during the ceremony. More than 400 invitees attend for the function.\r\n\r\n5. With the Chief Guest HE the President Maithripala Sirisena, Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka, Eng. Karunasena Hettiarachchi - Secretary Defence, Air Chief Marshal Kolitha Gunathileke, Chief of Defence Staff, Lt Gen Crishantha de Silva - Commander of the Army, Air Marshal Gagan Bulathsinhala - Commander of the Air Force, Mr. Chandrarathne Pallegama - Director General Civil Security Department, Senior officers of the Sri Lanka Army, Former Commanders of the Army General Daya Ratnayake and General Shantha Kottegoda and other serving and retired senior officer and Other Rankers of Sri Lanka Light Infantry were attend for the event. \r\n\r\n6. This historical event took place at the Sri Lanka Light Infantry Parade Ground with 50 officers and 483 Other Rankers and the Regimental Mascot \"Kandula VIII\". Parade commander was Brig MP Gunasinghe RSP and Parade 2IC was Colonel C Ranaweera RWP RSP.\r\n