
Sri Lanka Light Infantry

I Serve

30th January 2018 12:38:17 Hours

A House Donation

A new House was donated on 10th July 2015 to S/14D00941 PteYaparathne YMG (14 (V)SLLI) at Sadunpura by Seva Vanitha unit SLLI and Labour Assistance was given by 14 (V) SLLI Troops.\r\n\r\nIt was declared open by the Colonel of the Regiment Sri Lanka Light Infantry Maj Gen KADA Karunasekara RSP USP ndu psc and Hon. President Sri Lanka Light Infantry Seva Vanitha branch Mrs. Dananjani Karunasekara.\r\n\r\nThe Centre Commandant SLLI Brig MM Kithsiri RSP, Lt Col DCKW Ranasinghe RSP SLLI - Commanding Officer 14 (V) SLLI, Maj Wickramanayake - OC Seva Vanitha branch SLLI and members of the Seva Vanitha branch SLLI attend for the event. \r\n