
Sri Lanka Light Infantry

I Serve

30th January 2018 12:38:17 Hours


The pioneer Regiment of the Sri Lanka Army, the Sri Lanka Light Infantry, which has rendered a unique service to the motherland since its inception in 1881, had, its 3rd Regimental Colours Night at the evening of 04 November 2014 at the Bishop�s College auditorium in Colombo, where, out of 137 eligible sportsmen, 80 received Regimental Colours in a grand scale ceremony.\r\n\r\nOn Invitation of the Colonel of the Regiment Sri Lanka Light Infantry Major General Amal Karunasekera, the Commander of the Sri Lanka Army Lieutenant General R M D Ratnayake WWV RWP RSP USP ndu psc graced the occasion as the Chief Guest accompanied by Mrs. Damayanthi Ratnayake the President of the Army Seva Vanitha Unit. The colourful event began with the lighting of the traditional oil lamp and the Colonel of the Regiment Sri Lanka Light Infantry Major General Amal Karunasekera delivered the welcome speech.\r\n\r\nColonel of the Regiment Sri Lanka Light Infantry, Major General Amal Karunasekera, and, Mrs. Dananjani Karunasekara, the President Seva Vanitha Unit of the Sri Lanka Light Infantry Regiment, Brigadier Channa Weerasooriya, the Commandant regimental centre of the Sri Lanka Light Infantry, Brigadier Mahida Mudalige, President of the Sri Lanka Light Infantry Sport Control Board, and the Council Members of the Regiment warmly welcomed the Commander and his spouse on arrival, and, conducted them to the auditorium.\r\n\r\nOut of 137 Colours Recipients for sports achievements, 80 sportsmen including 5 officers were selected to be awarded with prestigious Sri Lanka Light Infantry Colours during the ceremony. Several eye-catching musical and cultural spectacles that were choreographed by famous artistes intermittently held the spectators spellbound as the day�s agenda unfolded one after the other, late into the evening.\r\n\r\nThe grand presentation reached its climax as the Chief Guest entered the stage to make the final segment of presentation of Colours to the best of the Sri Lanka Light Infantry. Corporal Madurawe SD, became the Best Para Sportsman of the year 2014 whilst Second Lieutenant RPWL Dayarathna, received the award for Best Sportsman of the year 2014 from the Chief Guest as the audience burst into a round of applause. The Chief Guest also presented mementos and certificates for 9 civilian and army coaches including a Japanese national in appreciation of their dedicative commitment to uplift the standard of the Light Infantry sportsmen. In addition to awarding of Colours, the 4th Battalion of the Sri Lanka Light Infantry was awarded with the trophy for the Best Regular Battalion of the year 2013, whilst, the 5th Battalion of Sri Lanka Light Infantry was awarded with trophy for the Best Volunteer Battalion for the year 2013, by the Chief Guest.\r\n \r\n Later, in his address, the Commander of the Army Lieutenant General Daya Ratnayake, congratulated all sportsmen who received Sri Lanka Light Infantry Colours and wished them to achieve many great heights in the future. The Chief of Staff of the Sri Lanka Army Major General Prasad Samarasinghe, the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Sri Lanka Army Major General Mahinda Ambanpola and also senior Officers including Colonels of the Regiment and Colonel Commandants graced the occasion. Brigadier Mahida Mudalige, President of the Sri Lanka Light Infantry Sport Control Board delivered the thanking speech and thanked Chief Guest and every one present and every one worked towards the success of the event that concluded the ceremony.\r\n