
Sri Lanka Light Infantry

I Serve

30th January 2018 12:38:17 Hours


The Regiment of the Sri Lanka Light Infantry which was raised on 01st April 1881, celebrates its 134thAnniversary and the Silver Jubilee of Regimental Day on 23rd October 2014, \r\n\r\nOn the arrival of the Colonel of the Regiment Major General Amal Karunasekara RSP USP ndu psc, troops of the Sri Lanka Light Infantry present a Guard Turnout after he was welcomed by Brigadier Channa Weerasooriya RSP, the Centre Commandant of the Sri Lanka Light Infantry.\r\n\r\nLater he was ushered to the main area for receipt of military honours in Guard of Honour, accompany by the Regimental Mascot “KANDULA IIV”\r\n\r\nCommemorative ceremonies in the year 2014 drew to a close on Friday (24) afternoon at Regimental Headquarters after an all-night Pirith chanting ceremony, the previous evening and an alms-giving to 25 monks, who invoked blessings for the officers and other rankers who sacrifice their life for safe guarding the county, Colonel of the Regiment and the Regimental134th Anniversary(October 23).\r\n\r\nMajor General Amal KarunasekaraRSP USP ndupsc, Colonel of the Regiment at the invitation of the Centre Commandant Brigadier Channa Weerasooriya RSP, attended the occasion as the Chief Guest in the company of Mrs Dananjani Karunasekara, President of Seva Vanitha unit SLLI, a large gathering of senior members of the SevaVanitha unit SLLI and officers and other ranks.\r\n\r\nSoon after a colorful procession, comprised of dancers of the SLLI cultural troupe, conducted members of the MahaSangha to the auditorium(preaching hall) at the Regimental Headquarters, the Colonel of the Regiment Major General Amal Karunasekara RSP USP ndu psc, in keeping with ancient traditions, offered the tray of betel(Dehetwattiya) to members of the MahaSangha, seated in the PirithMandapaya, inviting them to commence chanting until the following morning (24).\r\n\r\nA special Anusasana (oration) delivered by Venerable Pilassey Wimaladhaja Mahanayaka Thero before the commencement of the chanting, praised the regiment of Sri Lanka Light Infantryand diverse roles and wished good luck with its onward march as defenders of the nation.\r\n\r\nMajor General PP De Silva WWV RWP RSP ndu psc Colonel of the Regiment Commando, Major General WDLP Wickramasinghe RSP KSV Deputy Commandant of the Volunteer Force Headquarters, senior Council members of the regiment, Major General TTR De Silva (Retired) RWP RSP VSV USP psc President of the Sri Lanka Light Infantry Association, other senior officers, Regimental Staff Officers, large gathering of officers and other ranks, joined the Pinkam, organized to bless the Regimental anniversary.\r\n\r\nA Heel Daana (breakfast) on Friday (24) plus a Sangeeka Daana (alms giving) to 25 members of the MahaSangha, Meanwhile, an all rank Tea party on Thursday(23) morning at WO & Sgt Mess SLLI, headed by the Chief gust accompany with the other senior officers who was participated to formally bring the anniversary programmes of the military nature to an end.\r\n