
Sri Lanka Light Infantry

I Serve

30th January 2018 12:38:16 Hours

Sri Lanka Light Infantry Commences a Ten Day Training Programme on Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine

The Sri Lanka Light Infantry Regiment with a view to uplift sports in the regiment commenced a ten day Training programme on Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine at the auditorium, Regimental Centre, the Sri Lanka Light Infantry on 15th February 2013. The training programme is conducted with the assistance of Ministry of Sports, Sri Lanka. Mr. KP Gnanapala, the Sports Ministry\'s prominent lecturer delivered the first lecture on \"Sports Medicine\" at the inaugural day and Colonel KJ Jayaweera, the Centre Commandant SLLI who delivered the introductory speech also stressed the importance of the subject to any sportsmen to reach an edge over the other in competition. Athletes always want to push themselves to go farther, higher, and harder. Because of this, sporting ailments and training regimens are common, making the demand for professionals specialized in sports physiotherapy imperative. The SLLI as at present actively engage in twenty five various disciplines of Sports and therefore, after the successful completion of the training course, trainees will be able to attend physiotherapy and sports medicine needs of Light Infantry sportsmen who engage in those sports.