
Sri Lanka Light Infantry

I Serve

30th January 2018 12:38:16 Hours

Sixth Sri Lanka Light Infantry Commomorate Their Fallen War Heroes

Sixth Sri Lanka Light Infantry Regiment(6 SLLI) coinciding with its Regimental Day commemorated their fallen War Heroes in a series of special religious ceremonies respectively on 16th and 17th June at Mahakanadarawa Army camp, Mihinthale. The 6th battalion of the Sri Lanka Light Infantry that saw its birth on 08th June 1990 ever since has contributed in the vanguard of the Sri Lanka Army to fight against LTTE terrorism until the final day of the victorious Humanitarian operations to defeat the terror outfit decisively. A total number of 464 Officers and Other Ranks in the 6th SLLI have sacrificed their precious lives in the name of the motherland in its 22 years brief history to date and the figure still stand prominent among other life sacrifices by Sri Lanka Army War heroes in the battlefield. \"War Heroes\' Association of the 6th SLLI\" that established on 13 January 2001as an organization of the relatives of those fallen 6th SLLI War Heroes joined hands with Officers and Other Ranks in the 6thbattalion SLLI commanding by Major KA Pushpa Kumumara RSP psc as at present to organize this annual religious ceremony in grand style. The series of religious ceremony began with an All Night Pirith Chanting on 16th June evening attended by Next of Kin of War Heroes, Offices and Other Ranks of Sri Lanka Light Infantry regiment and Villagers at Mahakandarawa and Mihinthalawa areas. A special Dhana or mid Day meal was also offered to 101more Buddhist monks on the following day and transferred merits for those War Heroes who are no more alive. Major General RMD Ratnayake RWP RSP USP ndu psc the Chief of Staff Sri Lanka Army and Colonel of the Regiment SLLI, Major General KADA Karunasekara RSP USP psc General Officer Commanding of 53 and 58 Divisions, Brigadier PUS Vithanage General Officer Commanding 21Division, Brigadier SKGNB Ehalamalpe RSP, Brigadier ALSK Perera RSP, Brigadier KGHSK Embowa, Colonel KJ Jayaweera RSP Centre Commandant SLLI and Colonel WANM Weerasinghe RSP Brigade Commander 582 Brigade were also among the participants.