
Sri Lanka Light Infantry

I Serve

18th July 2023 17:36:02 Hours

Retiring Chief of Staff Honoured at SLLI Regimental HQ

Sri Lanka Light Infantry (SLLI) troops on Friday (July 14) in a colourful ceremony bade farewell to retiring Major General C.D Weerasuriya RWP RSP ndu, Colonel of the Regiment of SLLI and Chief of Staff of the Army at the SLLI Regimental HQ premises in Panagoda.

At first, an elegant Guard Turnout greeted the day's Chief Guest at the entrance before he was received by Major General S.R.K Hettiarachchi RWP RSP VSV USP ndu psc, Commander, Security Forces- Jaffna and Colonel M.P.S.P Kulasekara WWV RWP RSP, the SLLI Centre Commandant.

Moments later, he was saluted by SLLI troops in a smartly-clad Guard of Honour at the parade square before he was invited to pose for a few group photographs in front of the SLLI War Memorial. Afterwards, he addressed the troops at the premises, thanked each and everyone for the support and interacted with them during an All Rank tea arrangement.

In the evening, the SLLI Regiment HQ hosted a formal farewell dinner at the SLLI Officers’ Mess on behalf of the retiring Senior Officer. Towards the culmination of the arrangement, Major General S.R.K Hettiarachchi RWP RSP VSV USP ndu psc presented a special memento to Major General C.D Weerasuriya RWP RSP ndu on behalf of all infantrymen of the SLLI.

Mrs. Danusha Weerasuriya, the spouse and the outgoing Chairperson, SLLI Seva Vanitha Branch and spouses of Senior Officers were also present.

The retiring Senior Officer also penned some of his thoughts and complimentary remarks in the SLLI Regiment HQ visitors’ book before he left the premises. Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks were present during the series of formal events.