
Sri Lanka Light Infantry

I Serve

30th January 2018 12:38:19 Hours


Sri Lanka Light Infantry Regiment accorded military salute to Maj Gen PP de Silva WWV RWP RSP ndu psc, who has retired after 34 years of honourable service, during a formal military ceremony at Regimental centre Sri Lanka Light Infantry on 05 May 2016. He was welcomed at the main gate with a Guard Turnout and subsequently a Guard of Honour with Regimental Colours presented by troops, saluted Maj Gen PP de Silva WWV RWP RSP ndu psc at the parade ground. After military honours, he reviewed the parade and he was accompanied by Maj Gen JR Kulatunga RSP ndc psc in accordance with military traditions.\r\n\r\nAfter the ceremonial parade, he posed for group photograph with the Officers and thereafter, shared a couple of thoughts with senior Officers, Officers and cross section of Other Ranks during the refreshment. The ceremonial proceedings concluded with the departure of Maj Gen PP de Silva WWV RWP RSP ndu psc amidst good bye cheers of Officers and Other Ranks who street lined on the both sides of the road leading to main gate. \r\n\r\nThe retirement ceremony reached the culmination with the dining out at the Officers\' mess with the participation of Colonel of the Regiment, Maj Gen KADA Karunasekara RSP VSV USP ndu psc. Maj Gen PP de Silva WWV RWP RSP ndu psc was honoured with a memento in appreciation of his illustrious service to the Sri Lanka Light Infantry Regiment. Officers and all ranks of Sri Lanka Light Infantry Regiment wish him good luck for all his future endeavors.