
Sri Lanka Light Infantry

I Serve

30th January 2018 12:38:19 Hours


With the leadership of Colonel of the Regiment, Major General KADA Karunasekara RWP RSP VSV USP ndu psc, Pabala Mela - 2017 Carnival and Trade Exhibition started at Hikkaduwa public Ground on 23 Dec 17 and runs up to 24 Dec 17. Maj Gen JR Kulatunga RSP ndc psc graced the occasion as the chief guest. Council members of the Regiment, Centre Commandant Brig MM Kithsiri RWP RSP USP, Deputy Center Commandant Lt Col DAK Dissanayake WWV RWP RSP, Senior Officers, Officers along with NCOS and their also attended for the opening event.Seeduwa Sakura entertained the huge crowd whilst professional singer started singing Songs expanding joyness and glammer.