
Sri Lanka Light Infantry

I Serve

30th January 2018 12:38:16 Hours

Major General KADA Karunasekara takes over as new Colonel of the Regiment SLLI

Major General KADA Karunasekara RSP USP psc who is popularly known as \"Amal Karunasekara\" took over his duties as the new Colonel of the Regiment of Sri Lanka Light Infantry(SLLI) on 16th August 2013, in addition to his present responsibilities as the Master General Ordnance in the Master General Ordnance Branch, Headquarters, Sri Lanka Army.\r\n \r\nTo his credit, he has also been the Colonel of the Regiment from 20th May 2007 to 16th July 2009, and the latest appointment of him to the same office for the second time was announced by the new Commander of the Amy Lieutenant General RMD Ratnayake WWV RWP RSP psc himself who is now the predecessor.\r\n \r\nThe new Colonel of the Regiment took his duties at the auspicious time amidst blessing of the Venerable Maha Sangha besides a host of senior most Sri Lanka Light Infantry Officers in the Army and Regimental Staff Officers including the Centre Commandant SLLI, Brigadier KJ Jayaweera RSP and Chief of Staff SLLI Colonel CD Weerasuriya RSP at his office in the Regimental Headquarters premises at Army Cantonment, Panagoda.\r\n \r\nOn arrival, the new Colonel of the Regiment was accorded a ceremonial Guard Turn Out and followed by a Ceremonial Parade. The new Colonel of the Regiment SLLI soon after appeared for a group photograph with Senior Sri Lanka Light Infantry officers and the Regimental Staff Officers who graced the occasion and thereafter, signed an official document at his office to mark the occasion. The new Colonel of the Regiment then attended a Tea Party hosted for him by the Regimental Centre SLLI and addressed officers and troops at the auditorium where he explained his vision for Sri Lanka Light Infantry Regiment in concurrence to the Sri Lanka Army. Before his departure after attending an All Ranks\' Lunch at the Privates\' Mess in the Sri Lanka Light Infantry Regimental Centre, the new Colonel of the Regiment did not forget to inquire into the wellbeing of Sri Lanka Light Infantry officers and soldiers whom he met at the occasion.\r\n \r\nMajor General WDLP Wickramsinghe, Brigadier KGHSK Embowa RWP RSP USP, Brigadier SKGNB Ehalamalpe RSP, Brigadier RAA Nugera WWV RWP RSP, Brigadier HMJK Gunaratne RWP RSP and Brigadier MM Kulathunga were also among the senior Lanka Light Infantry officers who graced the occasion.\r\n