
Sri Lanka Light Infantry

I Serve

30th January 2018 12:38:19 Hours


Major General LM Mudalige RWP RSP ndu, the new Two Star General in the Sri Lanka Army\'s proud Sri Lanka Light Infantry Regiment was welcome and greeted by the officers and other Ranks in the Sri Lanka Light Infantry Regiment having accorded him a colorful military parade at the Regimental Center Panagoda. On arrival the new Major General in the Sri Lanka Light Infantry took the guard turn out infront of the main entrance to the Regimental Center and afterwards received the colorful ceremonial military parade accorded to him at the parade square. The Regimental Mascot \"Kandula\" also added much colour to the ceremonial military parade. A host of senior and junior Sri Lanka Light Infantry officers who arrived at the regimental centre SLLI to greet him witnessed the event at a podium besides the parade square. Afterwards, Major General LM Mudalige RWP RSP ndu walked up to the Sri Lanka Light Infantry war memorial and paid his tribute to fallen war heroes. Brigadier M M Kithsiri RWP RSP USP, the Center Commandant SLLI and Colonel G M N Perera RWP RSP, the Deputy Commandant Regimental Center SLLI accompanied Major General LM Mudalige RWP RSP ndu to a grand tea party organized at the Corporals\' Club SLLI where officers of the Sri Lanka Light Infantry found ample of time to greet and extend their warm wishes to their new Major General. A formal address for SLLI officers and Other Ranks by Major General LM Mudalige RWP RSP ndu at the auditorium marked the curtain fall of the felicitation ceremony and his speech conveyed much of his gratitude to all members of the Sri Lanka Light Infantry- present and the past and those who are no more with us-as they have been part and parcel in his success in the Sri Lanka Army. Major General LM Mudalige RWP RSP ndu also made his presence in a group photograph with all officers before he leaves the Regimental Center SLLI premises.