
Sri Lanka Light Infantry

I Serve

15th November 2021 10:06:13 Hours


The housing project was initiated under the conceptual notion by the Colonel of the Regiment of Sri Lanka Light Infantry (SLLI) Maj Gen TJ Kodithuwakku RWP RSP ndu, with the prime intend of donate a fully fledge house for houseless soldiers has been commenced and another house was donated to a selected houseless Non Commissioned Officer (NCO), S/2D03268 Cpl Piyanandana WM belongs to 2nd Battalion SLLI. The house was constructed under the supervision of the Commanding Officer of 2nd Battalion SLLI with the man power cl his under commanded troops in Mulleriyawa. The constructing cost of the house was around 1.4 Million and footed by the troops of 2nd Battalion SLLI. The house was formally vested to the said NCO at the auspicious time by Brig C Ranaweera RWP RSP ndu, a Senior Council Member SLLI and the Director of Directorate of Veterans Affairs in accordance with the invitation was made by the particular Commanding Officer. A brief warming ceremony was held on 06 April 2021 and few officials were Presented during the inaugural ceremony by adhering to COVID - 19 protocols and other health formalities.