12th February 2025 08:23:19 Hours
Sri Lanka Light Infantry Regimental Headquarters at Panagoda hosted a formal felicitation ceremony to newly promoted General Officer Commanding 54 Infantry Division, Major General A M C P Wijayaratne RWP RSP nps psc,on 07 February 2025.
The Newly promoted Major General was warmly welcomed on arrival at the premises and subsequent Guard Turnout at the entrance greeted him in accordance with military traditions.
The Senior Officer was honoured in Guard of Honour parade in the parade ground. Afterwards, the Senior Officer proceeded to the War Heroes’ Monument and laid floral wreaths, saluted the War Heroes who gave their lives for Nation. Soon after, the Senior Officer left his memories by posing for group photographs with the Regimental Staff and SLLI Officers. Following the commemorative moment, he addressed the troops. The ceremony concluded with all-rank tea.