
Sri Lanka Light Infantry

I Serve

15th November 2021 10:09:30 Hours


On the eve of his retirement Brigadier IGRG Bogodawatta was invited to the home of Sri Lanka Light Infantry on 20th August 2021. Brigadier IGRG Bogodawatta has rendered a noble service to the Sri Lanka Army (SLA), holding major command and staff appointments in different areas of the country over 34 years and upon his arrival at the Regiment was accorded a Guard turnout in compliance with military traditions, subsequently he paid a visit to the SLLI war hero monument and made a floral tribute to the brave combatants who made the supreme sacrifice for the freedom of the nation. Minutes later, Brig IGRG Bogodawatta addressed officers and other ranks and shag some of his experience gained during the distinguished career in the SLA, Meanwhile he NA .1 invited to a partaking of tea where he shared a light moment with fellow officers. Few senior council members and the regimental staff were also presented on this occasion, to bid farewell to Brigadier IGRG Bogodawatta. All the events were organized in simple note, adhering to COVID - 19 protocols and other health formalities.