
Sri Lanka Light Infantry

I Serve

14th December 2023 16:20:40 Hours

The beginning of a proud journey to save the country

Inaugural Lecture of Cadet Training Course No. 108 (Regular) initiated from Bussa Training School under Sri Lanka Infantry Regimental Center under the supervision of the Directorate of Army Training, Cadet Training Coordinating Division - Puttalam, Commandant of the Training School Lt. Col. HADVK Alexander WWV RWP SLLI Conducted on 30.10.2023 at Training School Lecture Hall by Brigadier MPSP Kulasekara WWV RWP RSP Senior Officer Center Commandant RHQ SLLI.

This apprentice course is scheduled to be held for a period of 06 months from 30.10.2023 to 30.04.2024, and 477 apprentice soldiers have participated in the course, 88 for professional duties and 389 for general duties from 17 regimental centers. I would like to point out that the counseling on the course by the counseling officers and fellow officers belonging to the SLLI Regiment is a very special thing.