
Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

01st May 2024 17:54:59 Hours


Major General Thusitha Silva KSP, paid a courtesy call on General Shavendra Silva WWV RWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc MPhil, the Chief of Defence Staff at the Office of the Chief of Defence Staff on 29 April 2024 upon his send off to the Sri Lanka Army. The call on the Chief of Defence Staff marked the farewell of a distinguished service of Major General Thusitha Silva spanned over three decades on the Volunteer Force of the Sri Lanka Army behalf.

The retrospect over the years of a distinguished military career that filled with acts of velour and challenges is extremely a inspirational review to account for , and such a legend of a combatant served in operational and non operational engagements is saluted and honoured. The service witnessed as such a fruitful tenure and derived probable benefits to the entire establishment was highly appraised by the Chief of Defence Staff commending the remarkable service of the senior officer fulfilled with a cordial interaction.

In the course of discussion, Major General Thusitha Silva extended his honour and gratitude to the Chief of Defence Staff on his command, directions and the trust entrusted on successfully navigating the tenure as the 32nd successor in the appointment of the Deputy Commandant of the Volunteer Force preserving and caring the catch phrase of the utmost counter part of the Sri Lanka Army.

Major General Thusitha Silva took his identity as an Officer Cadet by joining the Sri Lanka Military Academy, Diyatalawa under the Volunteer Intake 11 on 2 August 1989. Upon successful completion of the basic military training, he was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant and was groomed by the elite Sri Lanka Light Infantry (SLLI). Throughout his illustrious career, he served with distinction, steadily rising through the ranks and assuming various leadership positions ultimately reaching the rank of Major General on 25 June 2022.

As the terminal career destination, he held the appointment of the Deputy Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force , the highest eminence for the service of volunteering , with effect from 15 August 2022 , and relinquished his duties and responsibilities lasted nearly two years, on 19 April 2024. In recognition of his efficient service rendered to the Army, he has been awarded the 'Kariyakshma Seva Padakkama,' (KSP), one of the highest services medals a volunteer officer can receive in his career.

Symbolizing the respect and gratitude of the entire military fraternity, the Chief of Defence Staff presented him with a memento. As well, gifts were presented to the family members of Major General Thusitha Silva, recognizing their unwavering support and contribution to his success.

The event was attended by the respected lady of Major General Thusitha Silva Mrs. Nelum De Silva and the dearest son of them Hirindu Thusira.